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Totally free daily practice from Doodle Maths

Doodle Maths is an award-winning app available for Apple, Android, Kindle, PC, Mac and LearnPad.

Children are encouraged to regularly complete short activities to earn stars which they can then use to purchase virtual gifts for their avatar. Typically these are multi-choice questions, simple sorting activities or written calculations.

The amazing thing about Doodle Maths is that it is 'clever'. It learns what the children can do and what they need to work on. This means that the time is not wasted and rapid progress can be achieved in a relatively short time. I can vouch for this from personal experience!

The app will also teach the children new topics or give explanations for areas that they have not quite grasped. There is even a separate Times Tables app to help the children learn, well... their times tables.

The free version of this app lets you earn 10 doodle stars a day which TBH is enough. This app is not about spending hours and hours every day.

This app is very easy for children to use on a phone or table when they have a spare few minutes. I cannot recommend it enough.

(the link above will take you to my free teaching website - davlae Resources)

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