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Totally free financial education resources from Young Money

It is not difficult to understand why many would argue that financial education is extremely important. Developing the ability to make good financial decisions needs to start at a young age and this is where Young Money (formally pfeg) can help.

Young Money provides a framework for each phase which outlines key knowledge, skills and attitudes. This will really help you if you haven't taught financial education before and could be used as a focus during discussions with senior management.

You can search for resources by age or by using key words. There are some really nice videos which discuss activities - a nice alternative to reading a lesson plan! Some of the links are to resources produced by third parties - but these are always of a good quality; for example, one link takes you to Cha-Ching - to a website for KS2 with 16 lessons - each with an animated video and resources. Admittedly it's a bit 'cheesy' - but lots of fun!

If you decide to go one step futher, you can subscribe for £95 a year which will give you full access to hundreds of lesson plans and other resources.

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